Josh Scot Smith
I design products for all industries. Solar Export at Ovo, Planning tools across News UK, student app for Glide, design system and checkout for Arcadia brands and training tooling for HSBC
Optimised payments journey for all applications, conversion uplift of 20%
Utilities App
Lead the planning and full design of app MVP to enhance customer self serve and reduce inbound calls.
End to end redesign of the checkout experience to be used across the 7 brands.
During my time at Arcadia, I have worked on various navigational projects that have been through testing and continuous improvement. We would design a solution for one brand as a test, followed by design and rolling out across the additional six.
Throughout my time at HSBC, I designed a single scalable website used to train 40,000 project and program managers on how to deliver change within their programs. As a product designer, I worked on this from ideation through to implementation.