Ovo Energy
The challenge
Within my first month of Ovo I was tasked with redesigning the payments screens which is used across all applications. We time boxed this exercise as I was due to move into the Exports team to start working through their roadmap.
Previous issues
Even though the previous payments page through world pay converted at 40% the direction was moving the tool to being owned and delivered by Ovo for full control. When first looking at this it was clear that this felt like a third party experience and building using the brand and design system would make this feel part of the journey a user has been on.
Mobile Worldpay (previous)
Desktop Worldpay (previous)
App Worldpay (previous)
The outcome
We took an approach of designing, implementing and A/B testing this new feature. We wanted to give the user a simple step by step process to focus on the part of the checkout that they are on. Taking learning from previous checkout I had designed and tested with users I created format so the user can focus on the task at hand. Filling in a form item one at a time.
Stats (8months into launch)
20% conversion uplift ~ Savings over £466k ~ 218 thousand transactions ~ Total processed £300m